Reasons to call an IBCLC
before you give birth:
You have a desire to get breastfeeding off to the best possible start
Difficulty with breastfeeding previous child(ren)
Anxiety or worries about breastfeeding
History of breast surgery
Minimal or no breast changes during pregnancy
Breast or nipple asymmetry
Hey there!
I’m Amey Fields RN, IBCLC
I am a wife, a mother of three, an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and a labor and delivery nurse with over 20 years of experience.
My passion is the team that I have been blessed with, 15 IBCLCs that have a passion to help moms and babies with breastfeeding through 1:1 sessions and group classes.
Reasons to call an IBCLC
after you give birth:
You want to get breastfeeding off to a great start
You do not have to have struggles or issues to see an IBCLC
Painful latch
Nipple damage
Baby is not latching to the breast or struggles to stay latched
Baby is not gaining weight well
You have a forceful let-down or milk flow
You are returning to work and would like help with pumping and milk storage
Virtual or In-person
General Breastfeeding Support
Prenatal & Newborn Visits
Pumping, Milk Storage, Back to Work
Bottle introduction and Bottle Refusals
Lactation Consult for older babies with breastfeeding difficulties
Virtual Flange Size Fitting
Breast Massage
with Charity of Cocoon to Bloom
Breast Massage Therapy is a protocol that increases milk flow, relieves engorgement, clogged, and/or infected milk ducts. This technique incorporates lymphatic drainage, effleurage, acupressure, and hot stones.
Groups & Classes
In-Person and Virtual
Circle of Mothers Postpartum Support Group
Free Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes
Childbirth Education Classes Options