Pacifiers + Breastfeeding: What to Know Before You Pop One In
Let’s be honest—picking a pacifier for your baby can feel weirdly stressful. Should you offer one at all? When’s the right time? Which shape is best? And will it mess with breastfeeding?
The short answer? It depends.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here, but with the right info, you can make a decision that feels good for you and your baby. So let’s walk through it—gently, judgment-free, and with a whole lot of nuance.
Do You Have to Use a Pacifier?
Nope. If your baby doesn’t seem to want or need one, that’s actually ideal. Pacifiers encourage open-mouth breathing and tend to push the tongue down or back—not what we want for long-term oral development.
But! Some parents choose to use a pacifier anyway—and that’s okay too.
There’s research that shows offering a pacifier during sleep may lower the risk of SIDS, which is why some families decide to use one just at naps and nighttime. Others use it during car rides, to soothe refluxy babies, or when baby wants to suck but comfort nursing at the breast just isn’t an option—maybe because of nipple damage, oversupply, or a baby who can’t quite settle after a feeding.
The key takeaway? Pacifiers are a tool. Not a requirement, not a villain—just one option among many.
When’s the “Right” Time to Introduce a Pacifier?
Ideally, you’d wait until about 3–4 weeks after birth. That gives you time to establish breastfeeding, build supply, and make sure baby is gaining weight well without any red flags like jaundice or low blood sugar. Those first few weeks are really about letting your baby nurse freely, whenever they want, for as long as they want.
That said—sometimes life happens.
If you're dealing with painful latch, cracked nipples, an oversupply that makes suckling overwhelming, or you're stuck in traffic with a screaming newborn in the backseat, offering a pacifier earlier might make sense. That doesn’t mean you’ve failed or that breastfeeding is doomed. Most babies can tell the difference between a boob that gives milk and a pacifier that doesn’t—they’re smart like that.
So if you do decide to use a pacifier earlier, just try to balance it with lots of time at the breast when possible.
Let’s Talk Oral Function and Pacifier Use
Here’s something not everyone talks about: not all pacifiers are created equal.
Some pacifiers can actually get in the way of a baby’s natural oral development—especially if they encourage lip pursing, tongue bunching, or constant open-mouth posture. This becomes even more important if your baby already has oral tension or challenges, like a tongue tie or difficulty coordinating their suck.
But in some cases, a well-chosen pacifier can actually support oral rehab. Certain styles can help strengthen the jaw and tongue and improve suck coordination when used as part of a feeding plan. If that’s something you’re exploring, it’s best to work with an IBCLC who knows oral function inside and out (like us 👋) to make sure you’re using the right tools the right way. Here are some examples of what we want (and what we DON’T).
When to Start Weaning Off the Pacifier
We usually recommend beginning to phase out pacifier use around 4–5 months old. That’s when babies are starting to use their mouths to explore in new ways—chewing, mouthing, and prepping for solids.
This is the perfect time to introduce teethers that support natural oral movement. Whether your baby used a pacifier or not, the right teether can be a helpful tool for oral development and comfort. (We’ve rounded up a few of our faves [here].)
Need Help Deciding What’s Right for Your Baby?
Whether you’re team pacifier, team boob-all-day, or somewhere in between, you’re doing great. And if you’re feeling stuck or unsure, you don’t have to figure it out alone.
💛 Book a virtual or in-person lactation consult with us and let’s talk it through—judgment-free, baby-centered, and totally tailored to you.
👉 Click here to schedule your consult
And if you ever want to nerd out about pacifier types, oral development, or how to support your baby’s latch—we’re always here. 💛